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3人短剧 新生理查德英语话剧剧本
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
around and sees Chris for the
first time) Hello. (Still looking at Chris:) Richard, why don't you introduce me
to your friend?

Chris (Offers her hand to shake): I'm Chris Tuney. I'm Richard's roommate.

Jimmy (Starry-eyed, shakes her hand): Really? (Vacant stare and pause. Lets go
of her hand.) Well, I think this room's pretty clean. (Scribbles something on
his clipboard. To Chris:) By the way, my names's Jimmy, I live next door. . . .
um, see you around, I guess. (Turns to leave. Under his breath, to Richard:)
How'd you pull that off, you lucky dog? (To both:) Bye, bye! (Exits and closes

Chris: Well, he's quite a little insect, isn't he?

Richard (Surprised): What, don't you like him? Every other girl on campus does.
He dated at least 10 girls in 5 weeks of school. It's sick.

Chris: Yeah, he's a regular college stud. Nah, I could never date a guy like
that. (Pause.) What about you, Richard? I haven't seen you with many girls yet.
(Richard looks over but doesn't answer. Jokingly:) You do like girls, don't you?

Richard (Offended): Of course I do.

Chris: Well, what's the problem, then?

Richard: Been much too busy.

Chris: Oh, come on. Jimmy seems to have enough time.

Richard: Oh, please. He's a communications major.

Chris: No, I'm curious, Richard. Why don't you date?

Richard: No reason. (Uncomfortably:) Listen, I don't think I want to talk about
this --
Chris: Aw, roommates are supposed to talk about girls. (Richard turns back to
his computer and types some more. After a little thought:) Why do I make you so
nervous, Richard? If I get within 5 feet of you I can feel you shake. (Adding
with a smile:) And that's with all my clothes on. (Richard's discomfort shows in
his face. Chris continues to pry:) What about high school? Ah, you must have had
a bad experience in high school. What -- a dance -- the prom? Who did you take
to the prom, Richard? Did she dump you or something? What happened, Richard, you
can tell me -- (She approaches him. As she puts her hand on his shoulder, he
leaps up and crosses the room nervously.)

Richard (Bitterly, not looking at Chris): I didn't go to the prom, ok?

Chris (Softly): Why not?

Richard (Searching for a story): I -- I had to s-stay home and. . . baby-sit. My
sea monkeys.

Chris: Richard, why don't you tell me the truth --

Richard (Frantically): No, uh, I, uh -- couldn't afford it. Proms cost a lot,
you know. Hundreds of dollars nowadays. Actually -- oh, now I remember -- we
went on vacation that weekend. Cape Cod, I think. Yeah, it was --

Chris (Stops his from pacing by grabbing both his arms): You couldn't find a

Richard (Shaking): How did you know?

Chris (Yelling): Jesus, you're worse than jello on a spring. What are you afraid

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