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3人短剧 新生理查德英语话剧剧本
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
excuse): Uh, no, really, I, uh, have -- have to start
a program tonight --

Chris: For what? Classes don't start until next Monday.

Richard: Well, I have to start it so I'll be ahead. . . . Besides, my mother is
going to call in about a half an hour. . . . . (Looks at his watchless wrist)

Chris: You don't have to do a program and your mother will call back. C'mon,
let's go. (Takes his arm.)

Richard (Pulls away): No, really. I -- I can't.

Chris: All right, Richard, stay here and veg with Mr. Spock and friends. (Throws
him his book.) I'm going to have some fun. (Puts on her shoes.) See you later,

Richard: Bye. (Chris exits.) Whew. That was a close one.


(Next scene is a classroom. Small, capacity maybe 30 people. There are tables
that fit two people each. Enter Richard. He sits down at a table. He takes out a
notebook from his backpack and opens it to the first page. He writes down the
date, time, etc. Other students start to file in. One of them is Millis. Millis
is on the late side, and scans the room for an empty seat. Finally, he spots one
next to Richard. As he sits down, Richard flashes an unbelieving and shocked and
unbelieving look at Millis.)

Professor (English accent): Ok, I'd like to get started. This is Biology I
Laboratory. My name is Dr. David C. Ennard. Our first experiment involves the
digestive tract of a young turtle. The person sitting next to you will be your
lab partner for the entire semester. Today I'm going to dismiss you early so you
can get acquainted and do some initial research on the subject. Ok? If there are
no questions, I'll see you next week.

(Richard raises his hand, but the professor ignores him.)

Millis: We will work in your room. Where do you live?

Richard (Weakly): Kennedy Hall.

Millis: Let's go. (Gathers up his 20-page notebook and pen and rumbles toward
the door.)

(Richard closes his notebook and clumsily shoves it into his backpack. He
lurches the backpack on and heads toward the door, running to catch up.

(Open to Richard's room. The door opens. Enter Millis with Richard's keys. He
throws them on Richard's spotless desk. Enter Richard, carrying several
thousand-page Biology books. He struggles in and sets them down on his desk. Out
of breath, he shoots a biting glance at Millis, who doesn't notice. Richard
takes off his backpack and takes his notebook from it.)

Richard (Taking the top book off the stack): Ok, I think we should start with
the oral cavity. Salivation is an important part of the digestive system. . . .

Millis (Looking at Richard's awards): What are you, a computer geek or

Richard: I am a Computer Science major.

Millis: Computer geek.

(Richard restrains himself from answering.)

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