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3人短剧 新生理查德英语话剧剧本
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
while he
types for a while. Then, the door flies open. Enter Millis.)

Millis: Let's do Biology, geek.

Richard (Turning around): Millis! Don't you ever knock?

Millis: Knock? Why?

Richard: Next time knock. And my name is Richard.

Millis: Shut up, geek. Get over here and give me you lecture notes.

Richard: Why weren't you in class today?

Millis: I had a dance rehearsal.

Richard: All right. They're in here. (Hands Millis a notebook.)

Millis: I also came so we could work on our turtle digestive tract research.

Richard (Still typing): Can't you come back later? I have a program to write!

Millis (As he walks over toward Richard): I can't come back later. I have a
performance tonight. The research is due tomorrow. So I suggest we work now.
(Puts a heavy hand on Richard's weak shoulder.)

Richard (Weakly): Ok. (He gets up, crosses to a small bookcase where some notes
and books are.) I took some notes on the small intestine and finished up the
research on the rectum.

Millis: Good. That's about all we needed, right?

Richard: Yes, that should about do it.

Millis: Well, ok, I'll go back to my room and type these up.

Richard: You will?

Millis: Yes, I will. I'm a very good typist. 60 words a minute. I used to be a
secretary. (Exits.)

(Richard, pleased, but a little stunned, returns to his program. Blackout.)

(Next scene is that night. Richard is still working at his computer on his
program. Enter Chris.)

Chris: Hey, Richard, whatcha doing? (Looks over his shoulder.) Is that Program
3? I though you said you were done with that.

Richard (Frustrated): No, uh -- I was. I'm just making a few additions.

Chris: Well, what's the matter with it?

Richard: There's one error left, and I've been trying to find it for the last

Chris (Pointing at the screen): There it is. You missed a semicolon. (She laughs
quietly. Richard hangs his head.) Don't you hate that?

Richard (Frustrated): I don't believe it! A lousy semicolon? I spent an hour
looking for that!

Chris (Smiling): Ah, but that's why you love programming, right? (Richard
ignores her and just shakes his head.) Well, at least you're done now.

Richard (Annoyed that he didn't find the error): Yeah.

(Jimmy peeks his head in the room.)

Jimmy: Knock, knock.

Richard (Turning around, annoyed but polite): Hello, Jimmy. Come in.

Jimmy (Entering, clipboard in hand): Sorry to bother you, Richard. I volunteered
to be on the Anti-Drug, Alcohol, and other Amusing Substances Committee. I have
to check your room to make sure it's "clean." (Makes quotation marks with his

Richard: Well, I assure you, I have nothing that --

Jimmy: Oh, it'll just take a few minutes -- (Turns

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