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3人短剧 新生理查德英语话剧剧本
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
mm . . . .

Chris (After a pause): Well, we're going to be sharing a room all year, so I
might as well know something about you. Why'd you pick Computer Science?

Richard (Puts his book down. Proudly): Because I'm good at it. In high school, I
aced every computer course offered. I won the Basic Achievement Award, the
Pascal Achievement Award, the Fortran Achievement Award, and the Excellence in
Programming Award. I'm also fluent in C, Lisp, and Assembly. I graduated seventh
in my class. I was easily the best programmer in my school.

Chris: So why did you come to a hole like NCLU?

Richard: My parents couldn't afford it. See, my father's an asparagus farmer.
Demand was low last year.

Chris: What about a scholarship?

Richard: I guess I didn't have enough extra-curricular activities. Hey, I was in
the Young Republicans Club! What more do they want?

Chris (Smiling): Well, I don't know. But it's the same with me. My parents are
broke, too. Besides, I wouldn't want to be at a nerd school like MIT or Caltech

Richard (Offended): What? I'd kill to go to MIT!

Chris: Mmmm. (Moves over to her closet to get a change of clothes. Takes a shirt
off a hanger.) So, what else do you like to do?

Richard: Well, I read books, watch TV a lot, do a lot of programming -- (Chris
takes off her shirt.) Whoa -- (Shields his eyes with his book.) Umm. . .

Chris (Turning around): Geez, Richard, you act like you've never seen a girl in
her underwear before.

Richard (Swallowing): Well. . . .

Chris: Hey, if it bothers you that much. . . . . (Puts her shirt on. Richard
lets out a sigh of relief.)

Richard: Listen, Chris, we have talk about this. I mean -- it's -- you see --
you can't be a girl. I mean, what will I tell my mom? She'll kill me!

Chris: So you don't tell her! I thought that's what college was for. Getting
away from Mom.

Richard: Well. . . . . this (motions to Chris and her girl stuff) makes me --

Chris: You mean rooming with a girl? Come on, you'll get used to it. Besides,
did you really expect your roommate to be just like you?

Richard: No, but I didn't expect him to --

Chris: Have breasts? Heh, heh. You'll live, Richard. (Returns to her closet and
gets a skirt. As she takes off her jeans. Richard completely covers up his eyes
with his book. Noticing this:) My God, Richard, are you really this shy around
girls? (She quickly puts on her skirt and comes over to Richard. She touches him
on the arm. He jumps ten feet.) A wee bit jumpy, are we? (Takes the book from
his hands.) Richard?

Richard (Shakily): Could I have my book back, please?

Chris: Why don't you come with me to the Let's-Be-Friends Freshman Dance? You'll
meet some people. . . . .

Richard (Searching for an

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