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3人短剧 新生理查德英语话剧剧本
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
Why do you think that?

Richard: Well, first of all, there were no girls in my programming classes --

Chris: This isn't your high school, Richie.

Richard: Please call me Richard.

Chris: You've got a lot to learn. Loosen up.

(Awkward pause. Richard looks over his program. Chris fiddles with her flute
then puts it down. She looks over at Richard, who is still examining his papers.
She gets up and sits next to Richard on his bed.)

Richard (Taken aback, moves a bit away from Chris): What?

Chris: Do you mind if I sit on your bed?

Richard: Well, gee, you already are, so I guess not.

Chris: Let me see you program.

Richard: No.

Chris: Let me see it.

Richard: No, way, it's against the rules to share code.

Chris: Please, Richard. I want to help you. Besides, the program is over and

Richard: I don't think it would be wise to --

Chris (Impatiently): Give me the program or I'll kill you! (Richard, stunned,
gives it to her. She looks it over.) Ah. Here. If you take this procedure out,
the one with the array, then add a few more variables, the program's done. (She
flips through many pages.) And a whole lot shorter. Why did you make this
program so long? It only required two pages of code.

Richard: To make it look nice. The more work you do, the better grade you get.

Chris: Not true, obviously. (Gives him back his program. She gets up, goes over
to her bed, and starts to put her flute away.)

Richard: You really know what you're doing, don't you?

Chris: Yeah, I do. Surprised? 转自.

Richard: Yeah, I mean, pardon the expression, but you don't look much like a
computer geek.

Chris (Laughs): Well, it helps to have more than one interest.

Richard: So, of all your wonderful interests, why did you pick comp sci?

Chris: Well, I don't know. I guess I feel a sense of accomplishment after
teaching a machine with zero intelligence to do something complex. How about

Richard: I hear there's a lot of money in it.

Chris: Is that all you care about?

Richard: Well --

Chris: No, I curious. What do you want to accomplish in a career in computers?

Richard: Well, uh, um. . . . I never really thought about it.

Chris: Maybe you should.

Richard (Defensively): Have you?

Chris: Yes, actually. Eventually, I want to design and program robots that help
the blind, elderly, and disabled.

Richard: Really?

Chris: Mm-hm. (Pause.) Have you started Program 3 yet?

Richard (Lying): Started? I'm done. Easy.

Chris: That's good. I'm going to the lab to start typing code. Later.

Richard: Bye! (Chris exits. He turns on his computer and starts typing. As he
types:) Program 3. Begin. (He continues to say Pascal things quietly

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