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奥赛罗 9人英语剧本
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:

艾米丽亚:My lord, there was a murder. ——A young man called Roderigo wanted to kill Cassio, but he was killed by Cassio.—— And Cassio injured too. General, General, Madam, (见没有声音,推门进入) Oh, my poor lady. Help! Help, ho! Help! Murder! Murder!


蒙太诺Montano :What is the matter? General!

奥瑟罗Othello : I killed her.

蒙太诺Montano :Oh, my god. Why you did it?

奥瑟罗Othello: I have to do it, she is a bad woman, and she betrayed me.

艾米丽亚:No, General, I got it. Iago, you did everything.

伊阿古 Iago: What? Are you crazy? Go home.

艾米丽亚:Iago, I will never go home. Good gentlemen, let me leave to speak.

My lord, how can you prove that your wife have betrayed you?

奥瑟罗Othello: She did many shame things with Cassio, and she gave the handkerchief to him which I first gave her. If you don’t believe it, you can ask Iago, he knows everything,

艾米丽亚:Yes, he knows everything, he asked me to steal Desdemona’s handkerchief, that day, she lost it unconsciously, I picked it up and gave it to Iago, I don’t know why at that time. But now, I got it.

伊阿古 Iago: Filth, shut up. (拔剑刺艾米丽亚,然后逃跑)

奥瑟罗Othello: Oh, deathful man, catch him.(除了奥赛罗,所有人都跑去追伊阿古)

Deathful Iago, why did I believe you? O God, I made the biggest mistake in my life. My sweet Desdemona, I lost you, which means I lost every thing in this world. I can’t live any more, even a minute, my sweet, I’m coming.(然后拔剑自刎)

Aside: Othello tells Emilia that he has killed Desdemona and says that Desdemona was false. Emilia contradicts him and offers proof that it was Iago who set all of the plots. Othello finally understands that he has killed the innocent Desdemona. However it is too late to repent, Othello kills himself in grief.



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