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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-6   浏览次数:
his wolf, now it actually must eat me. Should you said? Cow: This! Our Lao Niu gives birth to must do this for your humanity to do that, drinks or our milk. But we only eat the worst fodder every day, rest the worst cowshed, you also had to dig up our cowhide to make money. The old wolf should eat you.
Wolf: (Sneers). Looked you also have any flattery (under cow) (on farmer)
Guo: And so on one and so on, the distant place has come an old farmer. Asks him to figure out, if he said you should eat me, I have complied with.
Wolf: Good, I give you last the opportunity.
Guo: The old uncle, I has rescued this wolf, it actually ungratefully must eat me. You said this makes sense? The farmer asks the wolf: Why did you want to eat your savior? Wolf: He too has been stuffily long me in the book pouch, almost suffocates me (farmer to take up book pouch, about about looks at) the farmer: Was this book pouch such small, how many installs the book all not to be able to install, how installed under you? Or you demonstrate to me have a look?
 Wolf: The demonstration (said on the demonstration, earth-boring auger has leisurely gone in) the farmer to settle on the time, grips tightly the book pouch mouth, ties up with the string. The wolf on is stranded in the inside farmer: Silly scholar, the wild animal eventually is a wild animal, could not change natural disposition. Is the person surely not to be able to be excessively benevolent! Guo: (Nod name is) indeed indeed, declines office due to old age the uncle to teach the farmer: Then the present, we "solved" it (say. Two people treat the book pouch to pummel, the farmer also uses the hoe to pound the wolf. The wolf sends out the sorrowful bugle call in inside, one could not not then have the sound of something astir) (farmer and Mister Dongguo shook
hand, separates from each other)
The curtain falls, all actor goes on stage.
时间 古代。
人物 东郭先生、狼 、猎人、老杏树,老牛、老农。”
郭: From a pot of wine among the flowers
I drank alone. There was no one with me --
Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon
To bring me my shadow and make us three.
郭: (念)走路莫伤蝼蚁命
猎人问郭: 请问秀才,刚才看见一只受伤的狼过去了吗?
郭: 且慢,让我去问问

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