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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-6   浏览次数:

Time ancient times. Character Mister Dongguo, wolf, hunter, old
apricot tree, Lao Niu, old farmer." In wilderness the mist and dust is
billowing, shouts the acoustic shock day. In shouted that, " fight wolves!pursues (a wolf belt arrow wound to go on stage)
wolf: I originally am come from the north wolf, but in today the arrow was injured (wolf lamely to run) [ Mister Dongguo to carry on the book pouch, on the one hand walks on the other hand self-effacingly recites poetry.)
Guo: From a pot of wine among the flowers I drank alone. There was no one with me -- Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon To bring me my shadow and make us three.
(Between the flower a pot liquor, drinks alone without the intimate. Raises glass invites the bright moonlight, becomes three people to the shade) (suddenly to discover on road crowd of ants, heart of the mercy, has lifted a foot does not endure to lay down)
Guo: (Reads) walks not injuries the cricket 蚁命 manner to have to have the mercy heart (cautiously to bypass ant, after continues to lead the way)
(field shout big quake) 本文转自http://www.coffbar.com
Guo: What happened next? The United States military has joined battle with Iraq? (Wolf runs has come up) the
wolf: The adult saves a life, behind had a hunter to have to peel my skin, rescued me!
Guo: Good good, is the person to want to be sincere (was saying behind, dismounts the package, all but actually came out the inside book)
Guo: You first hide in this package (wolf lamely sneak in package) (Mister Dongguo to carry book pouch, continues to walk) (on hunter) the hunter asks
Guo: Ask scholar's, has seen the wolf which was injured to pass a moment ago?
Guo: Not.
Hunter: Thanks gentleman. After (under hunter) (waits hunter to walk far, Mister Dongguo put wolf from book pouch has gotten down)
Guo: The hunter walked, you in a big hurry escape the
wolf: Is not I does not want to walk, I really am tired hungry
Guo: What then you do want to eat?
Wolf: I must eat your meat! ! (Reveals fierce and antagonistic expression)
Guo: Why then you do want to eat me? I have graciousness and you
Wolf: Because you me stuffily in book pouch too long
Guo: Really is the good intention not good newspaper. Is not good, I must go ask the person to figure out! (Said, brings wolf to go) (to walk to an old tree under)
Guo: Sets up eldest sister, I rescued the wolf, the wolf have actually had to eat me. You to me comment this principle!
Tree: Should eat! (Wolf self-satisfied has smiled) the tree: Your humanity endlessly cutted the piece of trees, continually our these old trees do not let off, burns us with the fire. Why can't the wolf eat you? Ate you to be able few individual to damage the nature (under old tree, wolf slowly approached Mister Dongguo) (by now on cow)
Guo: Holds on a minute, lets me ask Niu eldest brother
 Guo: Eldest brother Niu, my good intention has rescued t

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