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The happy farmer and his wife(10个版本)
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-3   浏览次数:
s a huge castle.
精灵:All right. Of course I will make your wife’s dream come true.
Dick: Thanks.
Dick 妻:Look! We have a beautiful castle. we can have a lot of money and beautiful clothes.
Dick: We should still thank the fairy.
Dick 妻:But I want to be the queen of all the land. You must find the fairy again and ask her to realize my dream! Go!
Dick: Hi! Fairy. My wife this time wants to be the queen of all the land. Will it come true?
精灵:Your wife is too greedy. I won’t give you anything this time. Get out and go home!
旁白:Then the Luck Fairy disappeared.When he came back home, he found his wife was crying at the door of the small wooden hut. And everything disappeared. They were still very poor and lived unhappily.

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