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The happy farmer and his wife(10个版本)
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-3   浏览次数:

The happy farmer and his wife金沁怡组
旁白:Long long ago ,there was a poor farmer called Fred.Fred and his wife ,Doris,lived in an old small wooden hut. They lived a poor life.Every moring,they got up early and then worked hard in the fields.
D:‘Really tired’
F:‘Although we were tired,  we had a very happy life’
旁白:On a winter night,the lucky god arrived at the hut.A fairy called the Luck Fairy visited.Fred and Doris were very surprising to see the Luck Fairy.
L:‘Fred,you are poor but you are still hard-working.I want to give you three wishes.what do you want? ’
旁白:Fred and Doris smiled at each other and said
F and D: ‘Oh,thank you very much.We don`t need any wishes.Though we are old,we still can work by ourselves.We can earn money by using our hands. ’
L: ‘I don`t think so.You earn little money.If you want,I can give you a lot of money.With money, you can do a lot of things.And you will not work hard every day. ’
D: ‘Although we are poor,we live happily. ’
旁白:The Luck Fairy look around the hut
L: ‘Look at you hut.It is too humble to live.Ican give you a big new house.Do you want it? ’
F: ‘Though our hut is old and small,we all think it is comfortable.I have lived there for a long time with Doris. ’
L:How about some beautiful clothes?Your clothes are too plain, that doesn `t look good ’
D: ‘Our clothes are old,they are still comfortable. Like other clothes.,thet also can keep us warm in winter, ’
L: ‘I like you guys. You’re hard-working, simple and not greedy. I hope others can learn from you. I wish you happiness and health forever. ’
F and D: Thank you.
P:Then she disappeared. They smiled at each other again.A new day will begin.Although they lived happily.
一起:At last,we hope all the students can become hard-working people like Fred and Doris.


旁白:Long ago , there was a poor farmer called Fred . Fred and his wife, Doris, lived in an old small hut. One winter night, the Luck Fairy visited them.
幸运仙子:Fred, you’re a good and hard-working farmer. I’d like to give you three wishes,
旁白: Fred and Doris smiled at each other, said:
农夫&妻子:Thank you very much. We don’t need any wishes. Although we’re old, we work in the fields every day.
幸运仙子:You don’t earn much. I can give you some gold coins,
妻子:Although we’re poor, we live happily.
幸运仙子:Your hut is old small. I can give you a big new house,
农夫:Although our hut is old and small, it’s very comfortable. I like this hut very much. I’ve lived with Doris for many years,
幸运仙子:How about some beautiful clothes?
妻子:Although our clothes are old, they’re still comfortable. They keep us warm in winter,
幸运仙子:You’re not greedy .I like you very much. I hope other people will learn from you. I wish you happiness and health forever. I’ll give you a present. You can find it under the tree.
旁白:Then she disappeared. Fred

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