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The happy farmer and his wife(10个版本)
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-3   浏览次数:
ithDoris for many years.”(坚定地)
Luck Fairy: “嗯……How about some beautiful clothes?”(不确定地)
Doris:“ Although our clothes are old, they’re still comfortable and fit us well. And they keep us warm in winter.”
Luck Fairy: “You’re not greedy. I like you very much. It’s not surprising that you can live happily. I hope other people will learn from you. I wish you happiness and health forever.”(惊喜地)
旁白:Then she disappeared.(化作一颗流星离去)
旁白:This couple is poor but very kind. We should learn from them. Nowadays, some people are greedy, they only think about themselves. Which should we learn from,the greedy people or the poor couple?
(the end)
(thanks for watching!)
                               By Lavender Cai


旁白:Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer called Fred.Fred and his wife are very hard-working person.They work in the fields every day.They never complain .They lived in an old small hut. One winter night, the Luck Fairy visited them.The Lucy Fairy is very beautiful and graceful. She smiled to the two people. At first, the couple was very surprised. They thought she is a strange person.
F: Who are you? Why do you come?
旁白:They had a number of questions.
F: Hello! Who are you? I have never seen you!  You look very beautiful!
LF: Hello! I am Luck Fairy.
D: The Luck Fairy? Why do you come?
LF: I think that you are very good and hard-working. I would like to give you three wishes.
旁白:Fred and Doris smiled at each other, and said:
F:Thank you very much. We don’t need any wishes. Although we’re old, we work in the fields every day, we always have a good harvest and we have good meals every day.
LF:“You don’t earn much. I can give you some gold coins.”
D:“ Although we are poor, we live happily and we feel contented.
旁白: The Luck Fairy looked here and there. She saw their furniture is very old. So she said:“
LF:Your hut is old and small. I can give you a big new house like a castle. You can live in there happily and peacefully.”
F: “Although our hut is old and small. It’s very comfortable. I like this hut very much. I’ve lived here with Doris for many years. I can’t give up it.”
旁白:The Luck Fairy looked at their clothes. They are very old and whitish.
LF:“How about some beautiful clothes? I think your clothes are very old.”
D: “Although our clothes are very old, they’re still comfortable. They keep us warm in winter and keep us cool in summer. We don’t need any new clothes.”
旁白:The Fairy smiled and said:
LF:“ You are not greedy. I like you very much. I will promise you some good luck. You are very kind and unselfish. I hope that other people will learn from you. I wish you happiness and health forever. I will promise you more lifespan. Goodbye! You will be fortunately forever!”

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