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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
ive. According to our analysis,you are more suitable for this task. So, we have to sacrifice Daniel.
       B: I feel guilty……
       C: Please don’t. Daniel’s life isn’t wasted. He devoted it to science. He devoted it to what he have passion for. People will remember him. His name will be inscribed on the monument.
       B: What if I kill you and inscribe your name on the Fucking stone(loud)?!
       C: Mind your word, Mark. Think about your girl friend. Think about the applause, flowers, and honor. You will be a hero! You did nothing wrong!
       B: I will be a … hero…I did nothing …. wrong…
       C: Yes, you did nothing wrong.
       B: Thanks, but…
     C: We are human beings. No body wants to die. Just take it easy. There’s always sacrifice on the road of science. Once you succeed, nobody will care how you achieve it…Such is the society that people only care whether you are successful, rather the way you succeed.

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