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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:

人物设置:宇航员A(Daniel)   宇航员B(Mark)   记者&地面指挥C
       背景:Let's welcome our hero who will leave the first foot print on the Mars(Applause)
       C:(speak quickly)I’m a reporter from New York Times. May I ask how long will you  spend in the spaceship?
       A: About 4 years.
       C: It’s pretty long time. So is it very hard to reduce the pressure?
       A: Of course not. Mark will accompany me. Right, Mark?
       B: Yeah. We are friends and we will support each other whatever the ordeal.
       C: So, you quite know each other well?
       B: Yes, and Daniel is quite good at telling joke.
       A :I’ve prepared piles of joke to make you roll in the spaceship.
       (audience: laugh out loud  Ha ha ha ha)
       B: hope so. Ha-ha
       背景:Ladies & Gentlemen, time limited, if you have any question please consult our website. Thanks for you time.
第二幕:One month later(PPT: spaceship ready to launch)
       C(act as a commander):Count down. Ten ,nine, eight…two, one. Launch.(press the button)
       (PPT: spaceship soaring into the space and earth watched from outer space)
       A: Wow, beautiful, right?
       B: Looks like a marble shining in the darkness .Peaceful ,elegant and everlasting.
       A: What would my boy say, if he saw this amazing scene?
       B: You’ve got a child?
       A: Yes ,in primary school, what about you?
       B:I have a girl friend and I plan to proposal to her after this trip.
       A: Hope to attend your wedding ceremony.
       B: You bet.
       A: Time to sleep. I should go to my apartment. Good night.
       B: Have a nice dream.
第三幕:(One year later)(PPT: Daniel’s cabin)
      Du du du du du…….
       A: This is Daniel.
       C: This is chief commander of NASA.
       A: Any instruction?

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