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Skin To Bone
歌手:LINKIN PARK  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-6-20  点击次数:  打印本页

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[ti:Skin To Bone]
[by:ㄨ___信 仰]
匹配时间为: 02 分 48 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]本歌词由 Pu.OneGreen.Net 提供
[00:02.29]LRC BY :信仰 QQ:738422142
[00:04.38]Skin To Bone
[00:05.98]LINKIN PARK
[00:06.96]Skin to bone and steel to rust
[00:13.05]Ash to ashes, dust to dust.
[00:17.93]Let tomorrow have its way
[00:20.63]with the promises we made.
[00:24.86]Skin to bone and steel to rust
[00:42.42]Ash to ashes, dust to dust.
[00:49.05]Your deception, my disgust.
[00:53.84]When your name has finally gone,
[00:56.58]I'll be happy that you're gone.
[01:01.04]Ash to ashes, dust to dust.
[01:13.14]Ash to ashes, dust to dust.
[01:24.67]Skin to bone and steel to rust.
[01:31.00]Right to left ,left to right.
[01:37.08]Night to day and day to night.
[01:41.79]As the starlight fades to grey,
[01:44.58]I'll be marching far away.
[01:49.12]Right to left and left to right.
[02:00.60]Ash to ashes, dust to dust.
[02:12.62]Skin to bone and steel to rust.
[02:17.80]Let tomorrow have its way with the promises we chase.
[02:24.74]Skin to bone and steel to rust
[02:30.48]Skin to bone and steel to rust
[02:36.52]Skin to bone and steel to rust

关键字: Skin To Bone, LINKIN PARK, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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    Until It Breaks
    Skin To Bone
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    Lost In The Echo
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    Castle Of Glass
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