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In My Remains
歌手:LINKIN PARK  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-6-20  点击次数:  打印本页

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[ti:In My Remains]
[by:ㄨ___信 仰]
匹配时间为: 03 分 20 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]本歌词由 Pu.OneGreen.Net 提供
[00:03.29]LRC BY :信仰 QQ:738422142
[00:08.52]In My Remains
[00:12.74]LINKIN PARK
[00:33.48]Separate, sifting through the wreckage, I can't concentrate.
[00:40.57]Searching for the message in the fear and pain.
[00:45.32]Broken down and waiting for the chance to feel alive.
[00:51.29]Now in my remains, our promises, they never came
[01:00.72]So let silence ring to wash away the worst of me.
[01:11.41]Come apart, falling in the cracks of every broken heart.
[01:18.43]Digging through the wreckage of your disregard
[01:23.24]Sinking down and waiting for the chance to feel alive.
[01:29.26]Now in my remains, our promises, they never came
[01:38.76]So let silence ring to wash away the worst of me.
[01:57.89]Like an army falling, one by one by one.
[02:07.35]Like an army falling, one by one by one.
[02:16.85]Like an army falling, one by one by one.
[02:26.25]Like an army falling, one by one by one.
[02:35.77]Now in my remains, our promises, they never came
[02:45.29]So let silence ring to wash away the worst of me.
[02:55.32]Like an army falling, one by one by one.
[03:04.58]Like an army falling, one by one by one.

关键字: In My Remains, LINKIN PARK, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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    Until It Breaks
    Skin To Bone
    Roads Untraveled
    Lost In The Echo
    In My Remains
    Castle Of Glass
    Lies Greed Misery
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