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歌手:green day  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-5-15  点击次数:  打印本页

[ar:green day ]
[00:05]I don't know you but I think I hate you
[00:11]You're the reason for my misery
[00:16]Strange how you've become my biggest enemy
[00:22]And I've never even seen your face
[00:28]Maybe it's just jealousy
[00:30]Mixing up with a violent mind
[00:32]A circumstance that doesn't make much sense
[00:35]Or maybe I'm just dumb
[00:43]You're the cloud hanging out over my head
[00:48]Hail comes crashing down welting my face
[00:54]Magic man, egocentric plastic man
[00:59]Yet you still got one over on me.
[01:05]Maybe it's just jealousy
[01:07]Mixing up with a violent mind
[01:09]A circumstance that doesn't make much sense
[01:12]Or maybe I'm just dumb


I don't know you but I think I hate you
You're the reason for my misery
Strange how you've become my biggest enemy
And I've never even seen your face

Maybe it's just jealousy
Mixing up with a violent mind
A circumstance that doesn't make much sense
Or maybe I'm just dumb

You're the cloud hanging out over my head
Hail comes crashing down welting my face
Magic man, egocentric plastic man
Yet you still got one over on me.

Maybe it's just jealousy
Mixing up with a violent mind
A circumstance that doesn't make much sense
Or maybe I'm just dumb

关键字: chump, green day, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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