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all the time
歌手:green day  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-5-15  点击次数:  打印本页

[ti:all the time]
[ar:green day ]
[00:22]All the time,
[00:23]Every time I need it
[00:25]What's the time?
[00:26]I'd say that time is right
[00:28]Here's to me
[00:29]Let's find another reason
[00:31]Down the hatchand a bad attitude
[00:37]Wasting time, wasting time
[00:38]Down a bum, fuck road
[00:40]And I don't know where the hell it'll go
[00:43]Heirlooms and huffing fumes
[00:45]And I'm picking up the pace
[00:46]And I'm gonna smash straight into a wall
[00:50]All the time
[00:51]A "New Year's Resolution"
[00:53]How soon that we forget
[00:56]Doing time
[00:57]Loving evety minute
[00:59]Live it upon another let down
[01:05]Promises, promises
[01:06]It was all set in stone
[01:08]Cross my heart and hope to die
[01:11]Sugar fix, dirty tricks
[01:13]And a trick question
[01:14]Guess I should have read betweem the lines
[01:32]Having the time of my life
[01:35]Watching the clock tick
[01:38]Having the time of my life
[01:41]Watching the clock tick
[01:43]All the time
[01:43]Where did all the time go?
[01:46]It's too late to say goodnight
[01:49]Time flies when you're having fun
[01:51]Yeah, time's up when you work like a dog


All the time,
Every time I need it
What's the time?
I'd say that time is right
Here's to me
Let's find another reason
Down the hatchand a bad attitude
Wasting time, wasting time
Down a bum, fuck road
And I don't know where the hell it'll go
Heirlooms and huffing fumes
And I'm picking up the pace
And I'm gonna smash straight into a wall
All the time
A "New Year's Resolution"
How soon that we forget
Doing time
Loving evety minute
Live it upon another let down
Promises, promises
It was all set in stone
Cross my heart and hope to die
Sugar fix, dirty tricks
And a trick question
Guess I should have read betweem the lines
Having the time of my life
Watching the clock tick
Having the time of my life
Watching the clock tick
All the time
Where did all the time go?
It's too late to say goodnight
Time flies when you're having fun
Yeah, time's up when you work like a dog

关键字: all the time, green day, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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