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远 离 网 吧Keep Away From the Net
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:
Ms.Wu:Yes,you are right.(严肃地说)You must correct this weakness, Tom! And put all your heart in the study.

Tom:(欲言又止)Yes, but…but I’m afraid I can’t...I…

StudentABC:(大家围上来说)Tom, let’s help you.

Ms.Wu:Yes,we can help you!

Tom:(望着同学和老师感动地说)Thank you, thank you very much! You’re so kind!

StudentA:(从书包中拿出书)Tom, this is ,I think you’ll like it.

Tom:(接过书,感激地说)Thank you.

StudentB:(从书包中拿出磁带)This is my English CD-ROM, you can watch it every day. Here you are.

Tom:Thank you.文章来源:http://www.coffbar.com,小品剧本,演艺知识

StudentC:(拍拍Tom的肩膀)Tom, let’s play basketball together after school, OK?



Ms.Wu:(既和蔼又严肃地说)Look,Tom. How kind our classmates are. Don’t go to the net again. Study hard! You can get good mark soon.

Tom:(坚决地说)OK, Ms.Wu, I won’t go there any more. I’ll study hard, I want to be a good boy.

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