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Pull up the turnip
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:

In the village, there is a happy family, grandfather, grandmother and the girl. They live together with a nice cat and a lovely dog. Look, they are seeding the turnip.

Rhyme :      One two three four, seed the turnip.

Five six seven eight, water the turnip.

Nine ten nine ten, it grows up.

Nine ten nine ten, it grows up.

                              Sense 1文章来源:http://www.coffbar.com,小品剧本,演艺知识

Turnip:       hello, everyone. I’m a turnip. I’m right now. I want to get out, get out.

Girl:         Oh, what a fine day! Miss cat, Mr. dog, let’s do morning exercise.

Cat and dog:   All right.

Rhyme:       I jump, I hop, I run run run.

             I jump, I hop, I walk walk walk.

             I jump, I hop, I turn around.

             I jump, I hop, I play play play, One two three!

Girl:         OK, let’s stop. Stand up quickly.

             Look, there is a big turnip, it’s right now. let’s pull it out.

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