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The Ugly Duckling
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:
sp;      "Of course," said the swans.

        At that moment two children ran down to the lake. "Ooh, look!" they

      cried. "The swans are back and there's a new one, too. Isn't he


        The ugly duckling stretched his neck and ruffled his feathers with


        Then it was time to go flying with all of the other swans and, as the

      duckling took off from the lake, he could see his new beautiful reflection

      in the water.

       All FairyTales

      Aladdin 文章来源:http://www.coffbar.com,小品剧本,演艺知识


      little red riding

      The ligly Dulling

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