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The Ugly Duckling
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:
        "Oh," she said. "You're still there I thought you'd be on the pond by


        "It's this last egg," said Mother Duck. "It hasn't hatched yet."

        "Let me see," said the chicken. "Well no wonder. It looks like a goose

      egg to me. You'll be here for a long time."

        "Oh dear," said Mother Duck. "I have my five little ducklings to teach

      to swim. What shall I do? I can't leave it."

        "Aah well," said the chicken, and she wandered off.

        The goose heard that one of her eggs was in Mother Duck's nest.

        "Is it true?" she asked, as she puffed up to the nest. "Do you have one

      of my eggs?"

        "I think so," said Mother Duck. They both looked in the nest.

        "Huh," said the goose. "That's not mine. It looks more like that

      absent-minded turkey's egg."

        As they looked, they suddenly heard the faint tapping. The shell was 文章来源:http://www.coffbar.com,小品剧本,演艺知识


        "We'll soon see," said the goose.

        They watched and waited.

        "Oh," said the goose.

        "Oh, dear," said Mother Duck, as she looked at the sixth duckling. It

      looked most strange, it was straggly and grey where its brothers and

      sisters were fluffy and yellow. It was also bigger than them.

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