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儿童英语剧本Little Red coat
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:
The little girl liked wearing a red coat. So everybody called her Little Red Coat.

One day, her grandma had a cold. Her mother said to Little Red Coat, “my dear, send some bananas and cakes to your grandma.”

As she walked through the forest, a wolf saw her, “Hello, litter girl. Where are you going?”

“I’m going to my grandma’s house. She has got a cold.” Said Little Red Coat.

“Where does she live?” asked the wolf.

“She lives in the house near the forest. There are some big trees in front of her house.” Said Little Red Coat.

“Bye-bye, little girl.” The wolf ran to the grandma’s house.

Grandma asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Little Red Coat.” said the wolf.

“Come in, please.”

The big wolf opened the door and walked into the room. He ate Grandma up.

He put on Grandma’s coat and trousers. Then he lay in bed.

Little Red Coat walked into her grandma’s room.

“What big eyes you have got, Grandma!” she said.

“Because I want to see your pretty face.”said the wolf.

“What a big mouth you have got, Grandma!”she said.

“Because I want to eat you, my dear.”said the wolf.

“Oh, no!”cried the little girl.

The bad wolf ate Little Red Coat, too.

The wolf was sleeping on Grandma’s bed.

At this time, a hunter came and saw the wolf. “What a big stomach he has got! Grandma must be in his stomach.”thought the hunter.

The hunter cut open the wolf. Grandma and Little Red Coat were still alive. They jumped out of the wolf.

Grandma and Little Red Coat were very happy. “Thank you.”they said to the hunter.

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