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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:
(I Am Hungry)

Act 1
雄狮:(怒吼)Roar, roar!
I am the lion,
the king of the forest.
No one is stronger than me.
Roar, roar!
小狮:Daddy! I’m hungry.
雄狮:You are big now.
Be brave!
Go and find your own food.
小狮:But, I don’t know how.
雄狮:Do it like me.
Roar, roar! (怒吼)
小狮:(小声地)Roar, roar!
雄狮:Rush to the animals and bite them with your sharp teeth.(露出尖利的牙齿)
Go and do it now.
小狮:Yes, daddy.

Act 2
小白兔:(唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”)
Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater.
He says there is nothing sweeter,
Than a carrot everyday,
Munch and crunch and run away.
小狮:Hi, rabbit! I am hungry.
Roar, roar!(小声地)
小白兔:Do you want some carrots?
小狮:Yes, please.
小狮:Thank you.
小白兔:Carrots are the best food.
小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it.
Anyway, thank you, rabbit.
小白兔:You are welcome.
(边跳边唱”Rabbit, Rabbit, Carrot Eater”

Act 3
三只小熊:(各拿着一碗粥,并唱着”Pease Porridge Hot”)
Pease porridge hot,
Pease porridge cold,
Pease porridge in the pot,
Nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot,
Nine days old.
小狮:Hi, bears! I am hungry.
Roar, roar! (小声地)
小熊们:Do you want some porridge?
小狮:Yes, please.
小狮:Thank you.
小熊们:Porridge is the best food.
小狮:(吃了一口)Yuck! It’s too hot.
I don’t like it.
Anyway, thank you, bears.
小熊:You are welcome.
(小熊们边走边唱”Pease Porridge Hot”离开)

Act 4
小松鼠:(唱着”Found a Peanut”)
Found a peanut.
Found a peanut.
Found a peanut just now.
Just now I found a peanut.
Found a peanut just now.
小狮:Hi, squirrel! I am hungry.
Roar, roar! (小声地)
小松鼠:Do you want some peanuts?
小狮:Yes, please.
小狮:Thank you.
小松鼠:Peanut is the best food.
小狮:(吃了一颗)Yuck! It’s too hard.
I don’t like it.
Anyway, thank you, squirrel.
小松鼠:You are welcome.
(边走边唱”Found a Peanut”离开)

Act 5
(小女孩边走边唱”Apple Round”)
小女孩:Apple round.
Apple red.
Apple juicy.
Apple sweet.
Apple apple I love you.
Apple sweet I love to eat.
小狮:Hi, little girl! I am hungry.
Roar, roar!
小女孩:Oh, a lion! Help! Help!
小狮:What is it?

Mmm…, delicious!
I like it.
(小狮很高兴地边走边唱”Apple Round”回家)

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