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4人英语话剧剧本Its a Small World
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
     Friends forever!
Scene II转自:http://Pu.OneGreen.Net
K:                      Twenty years later, at Johnson Rich's company.
(Phone rings.)
Secretary A:     Hello! This is Rich telephone company. May I help you? OK! OK! bye-bye!
Secretary B:     (Knock, Knock, Knock!) Mr. Rich, may I come in?
J:                       Come in!
Secretary B:    (With a flirting look) Mr. Rich, Can I invite you to dinner tonight?
(Secretary A cuts in between the two of them.)
Secretary A:     Hey! Young lady! You may be young and beautiful, but I’ve been working here much longer than you. I really don't mind you inviting Mr. Rich to dinner, if you don’t want to work here anymore!
J:                       Yo, ladies. Nothing but business, O.K.? Now, go back to your work!
Secretary A:     Sir!
J:                       Now what?
Secretary A:     This is the ad for the new cell phone design, and the main idea is "It's a small world!"
J:                       Good job! Look, my cell phones make the world smaller.
Scene III
(At Arthur’s new book press conference)
Reporter A:      Congratulations, Arthur. We know that you are the winner of the Pulitzer Prize.
Reporter B:      Why did you want to write this book?
Ag:                    Well, I always believe that touching words can comfort people. Many people in the world live a difficult life. With words, we can tell them that they're not alone wherever they are.
Reporter C:      Why did you name the book "It's a small world "?
Ag:                    It’s said that “the pen is mightier than the sword.” Through words, we can express our love, thoughts, and feelings to our friends. The power of words shortens the distance among people and makes the world smaller, right?

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