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4人英语话剧剧本Its a Small World
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:

Kobe: K; play presenter
Allen: Ab (boy)
Johnson: J
Arthur: Ag (Girl)
Scene I
K:            There was a lovely village in the countryside. Allen, Johnson, Bz, and Arthur are good friends. Here, they are creating the most beautiful memories.
B:            Hey! Look! A shooting star!
Ag:          Where?
B:            Here! (Take out a big special ring!)
Ag:          So, what is this for?
B:            Will you marry me?
Ab:           Sure, honey!
(Ag takes out a hammer and hits Ab.)
Ab:          Ouch! OK! I'll be quiet.
J:             Hey, guys! What are you talking about?
Ab:          They are talking about their future. (Point at Ag and B.)
J:             Their future?
Ag:          No! Our futures. I'm gonna be a worldwide famous writer.
Ab:          I'm gonna be the greatest singer. And I'm worried that there will be too many girls hanging around and crazy for me!
(J, B, Ag pretend to be disgusted.)
J:             As far as I am concerned, becoming the most successful businessman is my life goal.
Ag:          What about you, BZ?
Ab:          To marry her, right? (Ab hits B gently.)
Ag:          Come on! Be serious. Let him tell us.
B:            I want to stay here and be a farmer.
Ag:          All right! We're only ten now. Who knows what will actually happen in the next ten or twenty years?
J:             Whatever our dreams are, no matter where we are, twenty years from now, we'll all come here having a reunion.
Ab:          And don't forget, we are…
K:            Wait for me!...

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