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5人英语剧本Growing Up
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
but nobody stops their steps to watch the performance. Suddenly, one man throws something in the bowl which is in front of Rick.
Rick: (very happy) Great!! This is my first payment… What!? It’s garbage!!  Oh my god…
The alarm clock is ringing; Rick and Jack get up.
Jack: Good morning, Rick!
Rick goes to check his wallet as soon as he gets up.
Jack: Hey! Why you are so nervous?
The wallet is still in Rick’s pants.
Rick: Thanks god!  I dreamed of a terrible dream.
Rick tells Jack about his dream.
Jack: A lot of work, an picky boss, and the garbage instead of the reward.  It’s really terrible.
Rick: Yeah…But therefore, I understand how hard it is to make money. I won’t waste money any more.


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