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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
lone. By the way, I am still waiting for your decision. Are you coming with me to the concert tomorrow?
Anita:        Oh, I am sorry that I almost forgot it. What time tomorrow?
Kevin:       Two o’clock. I cannot wait to see my adorable superstar – Jolin. Oh, how wonderful!
Anita:        wait a minute. We have Calculus class tomorrow afternoon. Are you out of your mind?
Kevin:       Well, I’m not. Yet I think we can just copy the notes from someone else.
Anita:        No, this is a very important class. And you would never understand it without listening to the lecture.
Kevin:       To me it makes no difference. Even if I were in the class I would never understand what the teacher is talking about. Besides, who likes to look at the old baldhead?

Scene III
(After Calculus class, Anita is on the way to the ST building. At the same time, Rita is walking to the ST building from the dorm.  They meet in front of the laboratory.)
Rita:          Here I am. Look, I did what I promised. I am a good girl, not skipping classes.
Anita:        What are you talking about? This is the 5th class. You skipped the first four classes this morning. Yesterday you promised that you would not skip any class.
Rita:          Did I? We don’t have any class in the morning but we’re packed in the afternoon on Wednesdays.
Anita:        I beg your pardon? Today is Thursday and we have classes the whole day. Besides, didn’t you meet us this morning while we were going out to class?
Rita:          I thought you were going to the library.
Anita:        You are loopy now because you’ve skipped too, too many classes.
Rita:          Why did you say so? I know that we will have the Computer Program test tomorrow.
Anita:        You are incurable. The test was this morning!


Scene IV
(Ken and Rita are talking to each other. They are talking about how to skip a class. )
Ken:          I wonder why your Calculus professor never takes attendance. Yet, every time I skipped class, my professor always knew I was absent. I think I am really unlucky.
Rita:          well, you’ll appreciate what I’m going to tell you now, my

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