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5人剧本《Traffic Safety》
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:

Traffic Safety

During the day, a great majority of people don’t follow traffic rules. Usually this causes a lot of traffic accidents or traffic jams. Now, we want to use three short plays to tell you how important traffic rules are. And, why you should carefully check your cars before you get on the road.

Scene I
Inspecting the car.
Characters: A woman. A taxi driver. Two car drivers.
Time: One afternoon.
Place: In the suburbs
Woman:      Oh! How terrible! My car just broke down. Is there anybody who could help me? Oh! Here comes a car! (Waves her hand at the car)
(Narrator: The car speeds away at high speed.)
Woman:      Another car! Hey! Hey! (Yelling loudly)
(Narrator: The car also speeds away.)
Woman:      Do I look so strange? (Takes out a mirror and looks at herself)
(Narrator: The woman begins to check herself in the mirror.)
Woman:      Gosh! I have straight, long black hair, and I am wearing all white clothes. No wonder no one stops.
(Narrator: Suddenly, one taxi stops slowly.)!
Woman:      Thanks to the kindhearted person.
(Narrator: The taxi driver opens the window.)
Woman: Oh! Could you………
(Narrator: The driver throws out a lot of paper money, then speeds away.)
Woman:      No! Don’t leave me alone! (Looks at the ground) What’s this? (Picks up one piece of paper)
Woman:      God! It’s ghost money!
Woman:      Why? (Sadly and starts to cry) I am too foolish! I should have checked my car in the morning before I got on the road.
(Narrator: Dear friends, remember to remind your parents when you go out with them next time, to check everything on the car or you will have the same problem!)

Scene II
The new bus driver.
Characters: A bus driver. Three passengers (A, B and C)
Time: One afternoon.
Place: Chun-kun Road.
(Narrator: One afternoon, some passengers are on a bus for Tiger City.)
Passenger A:  What a terrible traffic jam!
Passenger B:  I hate this! It wastes our time!
Passenger C:  I think we should get off right here! Tiger City is just 50 meters away!
Passenger B:  I agree!
Passenger A:  All right! I’ll ask the driver.
Passenger A:  Could you…(Pats the driver’s shoulder)

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