Meng! Meng! Are you all right? Xiao Luo, what's the matter with your sister?
[Meng, with a confusion on her face, looks as if in dream, Xiao Luo is very cold]
LUO She hasn't remembered you. Go. YAN Meng! (comes up) LUO Get away! (Piao comes up to protect Meng and Luo) LUO Sister, let's go!
[Exit Meng obediently, accompanied by Luo and Piao, suddenly turns running to the man, getting hold of his shoulders]
MENG Yan. YAN Meng, I'm here. (the man waves to her) MENG Yan (gladly). You know you've come here to meet me. For six days you've been here just to meet me. Do you understand? MAN I do. LUO Sister, let's go home! MENG Well, I'm off. And you? MAN I shall.
[Exit Meng, Luo, Piao. Onstage entire peace. The man comes up to give Yan a cigarette, another for himself and lights up]
YAN Are you really named Yan? MAN Three fires.
[The bell strikes]
MAN The seventh day comes. I have to go. And you? YAN Go.
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