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I Love You
歌手:黄大炜  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-2-5  点击次数:  打印本页

[ti:I Love You]
[by:Pu.OneGreen.Net ttdevil 制作]
[00:00.34]黄大炜 - I Love You I Love You
[00:02.78][00:07.97][00:13.62][01:17.83][01:23.23][01:28.82][01:39.70][01:44.93][01:50.45][01:54.88]I love you I love you
[00:05.73][01:20.96][01:42.62]Perfect timent please say
[00:11.23][01:26.48][01:48.12]Until heard a girl said
[00:18.01][01:33.23]I love you
[00:27.13]I've wait for my love to fine
[00:32.43]Where we were never had later see manana
[00:37.03]And you will
[00:40.12]Oh you
[00:43.25]With all your grace no your chat
[00:48.48]And promiss all became to sinvin world
[00:53.10]So you we are
[00:56.86]girlftam look at you
[00:59.42]And not lover again
[01:02.24]How along I get ago
[01:04.25]I thinks
[01:07.12]What still full your heart
[01:09.84]So the way's man said
[01:12.41]But still was found things is sad
[01:15.27]By heart
[02:06.14]Pu.OneGreen.Net ☆ ttdevil 制作


黄大炜 - I Love You I Love You
I love you I love you
Perfect timent please say
Until heard a girl said

I love you
I've wait for my love to fine
Where we were never had later see manana
And you will
Oh you
With all your grace no your chat
And promiss all became to sinvin world
So you we are
girlftam look at you
And not lover again
How along I get ago
I thinks
What still full your heart
So the way's man said
But still was found things is sad
By heart
Pu.OneGreen.Net ☆ ttdevil 制作
关键字: I Love You, 黄大炜, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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