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歌手:铁屋  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2015-6-26  点击次数:  打印本页

感谢 我爱歌词组 凌轩silence 编辑歌词
匹配时间为: 04 分 18 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]梦影 - 铁屋
[00:26.24]I saw you in my dream
[00:36.27]We built a shelter to live in
[00:47.83]Then the daylight come to me
[00:59.09]The birds are whispering
[01:01.71]something cannot say out now
[01:32.58]When I wake up in the morning
[01:36.07]The world’s too bright that
[01:43.39]I can’t see anything
[01:54.88]Everything means nothing to me
[02:06.07]I saw you in my dream
[02:13.94]We built a shelter to live in
[03:03.66]Then the daylight come to me
[03:13.92]The birds are whispering
[03:17.43]something cannot say out now
[03:25.42]When I wake up in the morning
[03:29.43]The world’s too bright that
[03:36.45]I can’t see anything
[03:44.99]Everything means nothing to me

关键字: 梦影, 铁屋, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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