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Song Of Redemption
歌手:汪峰  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2015-2-1  点击次数:  打印本页

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[ti:Song Of Redemption]
匹配时间为: 05 分 41 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.54]歌谱收藏站 Pu.OneGreen.Net
[00:05.54]Song Of Redemption - í汪峰
[00:52.22]All alone o my lost and lonely soul-mate
[00:59.61]Hear my words you know that i must leave you
[01:07.12]I promise you that our bond will never die
[01:14.93]Until my pain is vast as the sky
[01:21.94]Show me praise as you hold me in your memory
[01:29.40]Show me hate as you will forget me
[01:36.94]You ll never know all the empty roads i ve wandered
[01:44.90]My heart is dark but yearns to fly
[02:06.94]Stand by me in the way you won my spirit
[02:14.70]Abandon me just as you gave me freedom
[02:21.92]No need to doubt all my lost to faded glory
[02:29.83]My soul is small but longs to roam
[02:37.42]Sing a song of redemption
[02:44.60]Echoing far and wide
[02:52.17]All alone with our soul
[02:59.58]We regain our pride
[03:06.84]Sing a song of redemption
[03:14.50]The river surging higher
[03:21.92]Sad soul lost in the torrent
[03:29.67]Redeems our lost desire
[04:03.20]Sing a song of redemption
[04:10.85]Echoing far and wide
[04:18.27]All alone with our sorrow
[04:25.79]We regain our pride
[04:33.24]Sing a song of redemption
[04:40.91]The river surging higher
[04:48.23]Sad soul lost in the torrent
[04:55.85]Redeems our lost desire
[05:07.67]Sad soul lost in the torrent
[05:15.98]QQ:9 7 0 5 1 9 7 1

关键字: Song Of Redemption, 汪峰, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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