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歌手:洛天依  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2015-1-16  点击次数:  打印本页

感谢 我爱歌词组 nuoxiao7 编辑歌词
匹配时间为: 06 分 08 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]歌谱收藏站 Pu.OneGreen.Net
[00:02.16]白色身影 - 洛天依
[01:38.63]My Darling
[01:41.84]I could never forget you
[01:46.23]I could never forget your bright smile
[01:51.85]Your soul shines deeply in my heart
[01:56.49]You are my light and you are my guide
[02:02.57]You have inspired me
[02:05.90]You gave the strength to me
[02:10.05]Whatever you do I will be with you
[02:16.16]Time always goes by so quickly
[02:20.51]But you will be wonderful every day
[02:26.56]Then over hills and crests
[02:29.97]When the glorious future say hello to the time
[03:59.25]My Darling
[04:02.36]I could never forget you
[04:06.82]I could never forget your bright smile
[04:12.86]Your soul shines deeply in my heart
[04:17.08]You are my light and you are my guide
[04:23.11]You have inspired me
[04:26.50]You gave the strength to me
[04:30.61]Whatever you do I will be with you.
[04:36.80]Time always goes by so quickly
[04:41.07]But you will be wonderful every day
[04:47.16]Then over hills and crests
[04:50.52]When the glorious future say hello to the time

关键字: 白色身影, 洛天依, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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