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Turn Around
歌手:纪敏佳  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2014-8-22  点击次数:  打印本页

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[ti:Turn Around]
匹配时间为: 03 分 18 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]Turn Around
[00:08.51]If you have a dream
[00:10.47]You must make it very beautiful
[00:16.62]If you have a dream
[00:18.30]You must make it very beautiful FFFFFFF
[00:24.80]Every thing will turn around
[00:28.29]Every thing will turn around
[00:36.26]Baby Do not believe the lies
[00:38.22]Comeback try to open your eyes
[00:44.67]Look around Everything will be fine
[00:48.15]Cheer up and get your own style
[00:52.23]Oh oh oh oh try again try again
[00:55.57]Oh oh oh oh one more time one more time
[00:59.54]Oh oh oh oh never lose your passion
[01:03.86]Never never never NNNNNNN
[01:08.14]Everything will turn around
[01:11.36]Everything will turn around
[01:15.47]Baby Don’t cry
[01:16.12]Don’t be shy
[01:17.41]Don’t be impatient
[01:19.27]Find your own way
[01:23.33]Find your own way
[01:27.91]If you have a dream
[01:29.16]You must make it very beautiful
[01:35.19]If you have a dream
[01:37.00]You must make it very beautiful
[01:42.93]If you have a dream
[01:44.86]You must make it very beautiful
[02:36.61]Everything will turn around
[02:40.02]Everything will turn around
[02:44.02]Baby Don’t cry
[02:44.96]Don’t be shy
[02:45.96]Don’t be impatient
[02:47.92]Find your own way
[02:49.85]Find your own way
[02:56.31]Everything will turn around
[02:59.55]Everything will turn around
[03:03.53]Baby Don’t cry
[03:04.69]Don’t be shy
[03:05.60]Don’t be impatient
[03:07.54]Find your own way
[03:09.58]Find your own way

关键字: Turn Around, 纪敏佳, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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