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歌手:THE RICECOOKER…  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2013-12-27  点击次数:  打印本页

感谢 我爱歌词组 黄病病 编辑歌词
匹配时间为: 06 分 02 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]歌谱收藏站 Pu.OneGreen.Net
[00:09.13]I’m burning inside out
[00:16.40]Breathing ashes,
[00:20.97]suffocating now
[00:26.08]Rain that slowly amounts to pain
[00:33.01]piling up inside,
[00:37.45]see I can’t save you,
[00:39.84]I can’t save you
[00:44.20]audioletter - THE RICECOOKERS
[01:00.63]SPEC ~结~ 映画主题曲
[01:24.64]Slowly changing time,
[01:28.08]And now zephyr’s waiting
[01:36.25]patiently for an end
[01:43.11]I sold my soul to you and now for you I’ll die
[01:51.71]Live forever in,peace in death
[02:14.74]Come wake,
[02:20.45]In slow-motion
[02:23.16]Comes a wave,
[02:28.74]In out-motion
[02:31.42]Comes fake,
[02:35.01]In automation
[02:53.15]end starts here
[03:05.63]come then
[03:10.50]the end
[03:17.29]I am air,
[03:21.25]and you are breath
[03:25.18]And I am earth,
[03:29.43]and you are my dreams
[03:35.92]I am Faust,and you are Mephisto
[03:41.90]And I am you,
[03:45.90]but you are not me
[04:32.40]Gone away,
[04:37.87]In slow-motion
[04:40.67]Gone wake,
[04:46.57]In out-motion
[04:49.15]Gone faith,
[04:52.82]In automation
[05:10.86]end starts here
[05:23.51]come then
[05:28.12]the end

关键字: audioletter, THE RICECOOKER…, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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