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Little something
歌手:林欣彤  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2013-2-14  点击次数:  打印本页

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[ti:Little something]
匹配时间为: 03 分 34 秒 的歌曲
[00:00.00]歌谱收藏站 Pu.OneGreen.Net
[01:16.88]Little something
[00:30.24]Nothing more could ever be the same
[00:33.98]You kissed me through the rain
[00:37.22]And then whisper something
[00:39.14]Little something
[00:40.86]All I want to say
[00:43.29]Everything could never be the same
[00:46.82]I kissed you on that day
[00:50.11]I still feel the same way
[00:52.03]My sweet nothing
[00:53.70]You' re my everything
[01:35.10]Nothing more could ever be the same
[01:38.89]You kissed me through the rain
[01:42.13]And then whisper something
[01:44.10]Little something
[01:45.76]All I want to say
[01:48.19]Everything could never be the same
[01:51.78]I kissed you on that day
[01:55.02]I still feel the same way
[01:56.95]My sweet nothing
[01:58.62]You' re my everything
[02:30.22]Nothing more could ever be the same
[02:34.09]You kissed me through the rain
[02:37.33]And then whisper something
[02:39.25]Little something
[02:40.91]All I want to say
[02:43.30]Everything could never be the same
[02:46.93]I kissed you on that day
[02:50.22]I still feel the same way
[02:52.19]My sweet nothing
[02:53.86]You' re my everything
[02:58.68]Love is something I first felt with you
[03:05.44]Love is something I first felt with you

关键字: Little something, 林欣彤, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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