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歌手:Sherwood  来源:歌谱收藏站  更新日期:2012-3-24  点击次数:  打印本页

[00:00.49]Sherwood - Worn
[00:02.07]Pu.OneGreen.Net @ 活在當下 制作
[00:06.78]Somedays the most that you hoped you do
[00:14.17]Is step in your leather shoes
[00:18.79]And make your way around the block
[00:23.34]Days that tired mother of ours
[00:28.95]And living has made her sad
[00:33.85]How she wishes she could stop the clock
[00:41.88]And so, I'm told, I wear, and I'm worn
[00:52.02]Come clean, come clean,
[00:56.97]come near, come home
[01:02.10]Come home
[01:06.72]You always come home to those empty rooms
[01:14.00]And wonder what's left to lose
[01:18.16]Folding sheets cause you can never stop
[01:23.06]Days that tired mother of ours
[01:28.64]And living has made her sad
[01:33.68]How she wishes she could stop the clock
[01:41.48]And so, I'm told, I wear, and I'm worn
[01:51.45]Come clean, come clean,
[01:56.64]come near, come home
[02:01.94]Come home
[02:23.33]And so, I'm told, I wear, and I'm worn
[02:33.27]Come clean, come clean,
[02:38.52]come near, come home
[02:43.59]Come home


Sherwood - Worn

Pu.OneGreen.Net @ 活在當下 制作

Somedays the most that you hoped you do
Is step in your leather shoes
And make your way around the block
Days that tired mother of ours
And living has made her sad
How she wishes she could stop the clock

And so, I'm told, I wear, and I'm worn
Come clean, come clean,
come near, come home
Come home

You always come home to those empty rooms
And wonder what's left to lose
Folding sheets cause you can never stop
Days that tired mother of ours
And living has made her sad
How she wishes she could stop the clock

And so, I'm told, I wear, and I'm worn
Come clean, come clean,
come near, come home
Come home

And so, I'm told, I wear, and I'm worn
Come clean, come clean,
come near, come home
Come home

关键字: Worn, Sherwood, LRC歌词, 歌谱收藏站

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