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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2015-1-20   浏览次数:


  War has started.

  And we are hopelessly outgunned.

  Director Fury? I think it's time

  You're here with a mission, sir? Trying to get me back in the world.

  Trying to save it.

  Doctor, we need you to come in.

  What if I say no?

  I'll persuade you.

  What are you asking me to do?

  It's called the Avengers Initiative.

  I thought I didn't qualify. Apparently I am, what is it, volatile, self-obsessed?

  And don't play well with others.

  I think they need a time-out.

  How desperate are you? And you call on such lost creatures to defend you.

  You have made me very desperate.

  We're not a team. We're a time bomb.


  This is nothing we've ever trained for.

  Guys, I'm bringing the party to you.

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