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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-6   浏览次数:


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella. Her stepmother and stepsisters treated her badly. Cinderella had to do a lot of housework every day. But with the help of a fairy, Cinderella appeared at a grand ball as a beautiful princess! The prince fell in love with her, and they lived happily ever after.

剧中角色:Cinderella, Stepmother, Two Ugly Stepsisters, Fairy Godmother, Prince

剧本提供:北京市西城区皇城根小学 张宇


Once upon a time , there was a rich man .

Who had a beautiful daughter called Ella .

His wife had died long ago ,

and he had married again .

His second wife was unkind to Ella .

She made her work hard all day long ,

and Ella’s clothes became ragged and torn .

The stepmother had brought her two ugly

daughters with her .

They were both as unkind as their mother .


Go and make the beds , Ella .

Then do the washing and scrub the floors .


When evening came, Ella was always tired.

She would sit down by the fire

In the ashes and cinders

to rest and keep warm.

First Ugly Sister

Look at you, down there in the dirty ashes.

Second Ugly Sister

We are going to call you Cinder-Ella,

Because you are always sitting


in the cinders.


Oh, why are they unkind to me?


I am so sad and lonely.


Then one day, a special invitation arrived


for Cinderella’s stepmother


and the two ugly sisters.


They were very excited.





Look! The King is going to hold


a Grand Ball at the palace!






First Ugly Sister(to Cinderella)

You can make new dresses for all of us.

We must have the most beautiful clothes


To wear to the ball.



Second Ugly Sister


The King’s son will be there.


I hear that he is looking for a wife.


He might choose me!





On the night of the Grand Ball,


Cinderella helped her stepmother


And her ugly sisters to get dressed


in their new gowns.


Then she watched them driving away.



Second Ugly Sister


Come here Cinder-Ella


First Ugly Sister


Don’t forget my moth

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