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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-5   浏览次数:

The Adapt of The Rabbit And The Turtle


Rabbit:   I’m Rabbit. I have two long ears. I can jump on the

grass.      I like carrots.

Turtle:     I’m Turtle. I have four short legs. I can climb.

Rabbit:    Hi, Mr. Turtle. How are you?

Turtle:     Fine, thanks. And you?

Rabbit:    I’m fine, thanks. Let’s play football.

Turtle:    Ok!


Monkey:     Hi! What are you doing?

Turtle:       We are playing football.

Monkey:      Listen, I have an idea.

Rabbit:      What?

Monkey:     You can have a race.

Turtle:      Great!

Monkey:     Look! There is a tall tree over there.

       Who can get  there first?

Rabbit:     OK!

Monkey:    Ready? Go!文章来源:http://www.coffbar.com,小品剧本,演艺知识

Bird:       I’m Bird. I can fly in the sky. Oh! My wing!
      I hurt my  wing.  

I can’t fly. Help! Help!

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