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远 离 网 吧Keep Away From the Net
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-5   浏览次数:
Ms.Wu:(进一步关切地询问)Why? Is anything wrong with you these days? Can you tell me?


Ms.Wu:(从文件夹中拿出考卷)Look, this is your paper. I can’t believe this is your mark.

Tom:(大吃一惊,愣住,痴痴地说)Oh, Is this my paper?

StudentA:(站起来说)Ms. Wu, Tom has been to the net at noon.

StudentB:(争着说)He usually goes there recently.

StudentC:And he doesn’t usually finish his homeworks.

Ms.Wu:(语重心长地说)Oh,I see.(抚摸着Tom的头说)

Tom:(抽泣地说)I’m so sorry, Ms. Wu, I am wrong. I’ve cheated you.

Ms.Wu:(安慰地说)Little Tom, you’re a good boy. You’re clever, but you are confused by the computer games. Do you know the harm of playing the computer games?

StudentA:I know,it’ll make us sink into the net the whole day!

StudentB:(指着眼睛说)It is bad for our eyes!

    StudentC:And it will affect our study!

Ms.Wu:Yes,you are right.(严肃地说)You must corr

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