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幼儿英语剧剧本_go shopping
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2013-5-3   浏览次数:

A:        B:         C:         D:         E:        F:
A:Good morning!
B.C.D:Good morning!
A:What are you doing?
B:I’m going to fruit shop.
A:Good!I also going to fruit shop!
B:Oh!Let’s go.
E:Hello.Welcome to our fruit shop.
F:Can I help you?
A:I’d like some chocolate.
B:I’d like some cookie.
C:I’d like some biscuit.
D:I’d like a doll.
A:OK.Boss. The bill, please?
F:All right.They are thirty yuan in all.
D:Let's me pay my share 
A:No,It's my treat.
A:Here you are.
F:Thank you.
E: Thank you.Please come again.

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