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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:

英语剧编剧:彼得潘的梦 原编剧:今晓
The big mouse visiting small mouse show
            -----Written by Jin Xiao
Shorny(Small white horse),Lila(small black sheep),gina( young white goose), Doma(small black duck), Benny( big ash mouse), Mony(small ash mouse)
Stage prop:
Shorny's blue gate (the highest of the five gates),Lila's green gate (the second highest), 's yellow gate(the third highest),Doma's orange –colored gate (the fourth highest),Mony’s red gate (the smallest).
Head ornaments:
Small white horse, small black sheep, young white goose,small black crow, big ash mouse, small ash mouse head ornaments.
Shorny (The small white horse) (blue color),Lila( the small black sheep)(green color),Gina (the young white goose) (lemon-yellowed),Duma(the small black duck)(orange-yellowed), Benny(the big ash mouse) (light red),Mony(the small ash mouse)(light red clothes.)
[Scene:  Cute  Animals’  families. Benny ‘s visiting to Mony]
(Benny is knocking on a blue-colored gate., and  Shorny opens the door)
Bneny: Excuse me, Shorny, but could you tell me is Mony in?
(There is a big & sweet smile on Shorny’ s face. and he points at the green door behind him)
Shorny:Oh, Mony, he’s playing games inside ,let’s go and find him
Benny: Thanks ,Shorny!
(Benny goes straight ahead to a green colored gate, which is the gate of Lila’s. Benny knocks on aother door, the color of which is green. And now Lila comes out and answers the gate.)
Beny: Hi ,Lila, I’m looking for Mony ,have you seen him anywhere?
Lila: Small mouse, it in inside.( points at the lemon-yellowed gate that is just behind her and says)
Lila: Hes just over there playing inside,  you could go and find him .
Benny: Thank you so much ,Lila
(Benny leaves ,and walks towards the lemon-yellowe door. The gate of Lila’s family is open and she’s staring at Benny ‘s shadow )
Benny : hello,Gina,I’ m just coming by and looking for Mony,canyou help with this?

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