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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:
Mary:   Hello! Thank you! Is this green baby a panda?
小贩:   Yes! He is Jingjing. He is the national animal of China. He lives in the green forest and he brings peace and happiness to the world.
Diana:  I love him! And this must be a lovely antelope who is always fast and active!
Yang: You are right! His name is Yingying. Look at the fish, Beibei! You know, in Chinese culture, fish means a good harvest and it’s a symbol of a good year and a good life.
Mary:    Interesting! Oh, I know this one! It’s fire! Red fire! The Chinese color, you told me last time! He can bring the world good luck!
小贩:   The fire’s name is Huanhuan. And also look at the swallow Nini flying in the sky! When you put the names of the Five Friendlies together–Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni–they say “Welcome to Beijing”.
Diana:  Wow! Wonderful idea!
Mary:   I’ll buy them! How much are they?
小贩:   350 yuan.
Mary:   Here you are! Thank you!
(Together): Beijing is ready for the Olympics! Welcome to Beijing!

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