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Jungle Story
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-17   浏览次数:


Nice to see you too. How do you do?



Let’s be friends.



Yes, let’s be good friends.



Let’s play together.



OK. Come on!



Look at the beautiful flowers.



Look out! There’s a trap.


(Suddenly, all the animals hear “Help! Help!”)



Quiet! Quiet! What’s that sound? What happened? My friends, my friends come here quick.



Who are you?



I’m a tiger - your friend. I fell into a trap and I can’t climb out. I beg you, help me, please.



I’m so sorry to hear that. Let’s help the poor tiger.



You can’t. He’s a tiger. He’s going to eat you!



No, no. I’m your friend. I’m very kind. I won’t eat you, I promise.



Oh, but he needs our help.



He needs help. I’ll help him. Let’s help him together.



OK. Don’t worry. Let’s make a rope and pull him out. (action)



Yes, yes. Let’s pull the tiger out.



Are you ready?



Yes. One, two, three.



Thank you, my friends.



Not at all.



But, I was very hot in there. Now, I would like to drink some water. Would you please get me some water?



I’m very clever and fast. Let me get you some water.



Thank you, my good friend.


Big tiger, please, sit down. Have a rest.



OK. I’m very tired.



Big tiger, I’m back. Here is your water.



Thanks a lot. (Tiger drinks water.) Now I’m not thirsty anymore.



Let’s go on playing.



Good. Let’s go on playing.



Good. Let’s go on playing.



Big tiger, let’s play together.



OK. Little rabbit. Now, I’m … I’m –



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