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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
think we should be friends.(shake hands)
(Singing together)
William: They’re the girl on my mind and I know I’m thinking of them, on my way through the day and the night the stars shine above me.
L/H: We have been heard some words about the guy he is too much stronger, and we will singing the song, hoping we will happy together.
W/L/H: Our hearts go sha la la la la,
sha la la in the moring,
oh sha la la la la, sha la la in the sunshine,
our hearts go sha la la la la,
sha la la in the evening ,
oh sha la la la la ,
sha la la la la just for you.
W/L/H: We hope all of you could find a right position of your life, balance your study and entertainment, make you life full of joy and create some unforgettable memories, at last , we hope you will “make it better”.
The end…

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