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【7人英文话剧】花木兰 Mulan
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:


     Long time ago, there was a war in China.  The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before.  However, the king of the nation didn't allow such a ridiculous thing, and the war finally broke.   Unfortunately, the odds were against China.  So the king decide to recruit soldiers.
      Unexpectedly, Mulan's father, who was old and weak, was chosen.  Know that her father was not equal to the mission, Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army instead of her fater.
      During the time in the army, she became acquainted wiht the captain, Li Shang, and she was deeply moved by his care for her.  After they won th ewar, she told the truth frankly to him, and Li Shang asked the king to spare her life for disguising herself as a soldier.
       In time, they fell in love with each other, got married and lived happily hereafter.

本文转子:http://Pu.OneGreen.Net/ 小品剧本,视频小品,个人简历 

Scene I


Long time age, ther was a war in China.....


Get out.  The land doesn't belong to you.


Your land?......Hey , he says this is his land.

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