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作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
ent, so if I put a large amount of this on my whole face over night, it will be even better, right?
(Julie puts the mask on her whole face and lies on her bed.)
Narrator: So that’s exactly what she did and went to bed looking like Godzilla!
(Lights off)
Scene 3
(The alarm clock goes off at six o’clock)
Narrator: It’s another beautiful day. Julie wakes up at the six o’clock. She walks to the bathroom to wash her face, but there’s something wrong…(Julie tries every way to wash off the mask.)
Narrator: She tries warm water, hot water, and cold water. Use her fingers, a sponge, even her toothbrush! The rock hard and bright green mask stays well on her face. She couldn’t even move her mouth to speak. (Julie wants to speak but she can’t. She runs to her parents’ room with the jar of mask)
Narrator: She goes to her parents’ room and wakes them up.
(Julie wakes her parents up. Her mom opens her eyes and screams.)
Mom: Aaaargh! (Waking up her father.)
Father: Julie, is that you? (Julie nods) What is that on your face?
Julie: Grgmmf…hrmmphgh…gh. (Julie shows her parents the mask jar. Then they understand.)
Mom: You silly girl, can you follow the simple instruction? Don’t you do experiments in science any more or what?
Julie: Gffrr…
Dad: Right. Get dressed, Julie. You’re going to school. I’m sure the mask will come off sooner or later.
Mom: Yes, dear. Be patient.
Narrator: Julie couldn’t believe her ears. School! Looking like a green monster. How could she face her classmates today?
Scene 4
Classmate A: Look at that. Is that Julie?
Classmate B: Oh, my god. She looks so funny!
Classmate A: Yeah, How could she come to school like this?
Classmate B: She’s just like the green giant—Hulk. (They both laugh at Julie)
Debbie: You look like the Ness Monster! Can we call you Nessie? (Two girls burst into a laugh)
(The whole class start laughing. Then the first class bell rings)
Teresa: Listen Nessie, your face is green, my T-shirt’s pink and Debbie’s jeans are blue. We can’t possibly sit together today!
(They both laugh and walk away. Cathy sees that scene.)
Cathy: Hi, Julie. There’s a seat next to me, if you want. (They go to the back of the classroom and sit down.)
Cathy: Hey, come on, silly. Don’t cry because of them. They’re just stupid.
(Julie can’t help stop, and salty tears run down her face. Cathy starts smiling and gets a mirror out her bag.)
Cathy: Look, Julie!
Julie: NNNGGGG!(She doesn’t want to look at her horrible green face.)
Cathy: Look! (Julie looks into the mirror.) The salt in your tears is reacting with the mask, you see. A simple chemical reaction. Can you speak now?

Julie: Yes! Yes, I can. Oh Cathy, thank you so much. I’m so sorry I was horrible to you yesterday.
Cathy: Don’t worry, Julie. Now do you understand how I felt?
Julie: Hmm, Terrible. Oh no, here comes Doctor Murphy. I haven’t done my homework!
Cathy: Her

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