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英语剧本 魔豆
作者:佚名   来源:不详   更新日期:2012-5-14   浏览次数:
The Magic Beans 
Act 1 Scene 1
(Jack’s mother was gambling.)
Mom: Oh, no, not again. (Roaring) Jack, Jack, where are you?
Jack: Here I am, mom. What’s up?
Mom: Send that old cow to the market to exchange some money back.
Jack: But mom, if I sold Rose, we would have no milk anymore.
Mom: Shut up. Do as I said.
Jack: (sign) All right, all right.
Act 1 Scene 2
(In the market.)
Girl: Sir, do you want any matches? If you buy ten boxes, I’ll give a 40 percent discount.
Jack: Sounds terrific. But I don’t have any money.
Girl: Please, sir, I haven’t eaten anything for three days. I’d like to exchange your cow with my matches.
Jack: Sorry, but I don’t need matches. Good-bye, and good luck to you.
Old man: Sir, since the sun is burning, would you like some ice cream?
Jack: Thank you, but I don’t really feel like eating ice cream. See you.
Mr. Bean: I have soybeans, mung beans, green beans, broad beans, green soybeans, peas, and above all, the most amazing beans in the world --- magic beans.
Jack: Wow, sounds wonderful. Beans is my favorite food, I can’t wait to have a bowl of bean soup. I want to buy all the beans with this cow.
Mr. Bean: This cow? What do I need this old skinny cow for? Go away, don’t bother me, kid.
Jack: Sir, please. My mom always told me “Helping someone in need is a honorable deed.”
Mr. Bean: All right, all right. (Sign) Today isn’t my day.
Act 2
(Jack went home.)
Jack: Mom, where are you? See what I have got.
Mom: Oh, Jack, you must have brought me lots of shining gold. Oh, I’m so excited. (Walked to Jack) What? You used our pretty cow to buy all this junks? Have you lost your mind?
Jack: Mom, these are no junks. There are soybeans, mung beans, green beans, broad beans, green soybeans and magic beans.
Mom: Magic beans? It doesn’t look magical at all. The vendor must be cheating you. I’ll keep other beans, but these magic beans, (opened the window) I’ll just throw them away.
Act 3
(The next morning)
Jack: Ah, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the breeze is whispering, it should be a perfect day. (He looked out of the window) Oh, my God, the magic beans have grown to a huge beanstalk! It’s can be true, it must be my imagination!
Prince: Help, help.
Jack: The voice came from the clouds, how strange! I must go and see what’s going on up there. (He climbed up. Then he saw the prince was stocked in a castle.)
Jack: Hi, what happen to you? How can I help you?

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