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forget and forgive(2012-12-19 / 


  • 姓名:forget and forgive
  • 性别:组合
  • 别名:暂无
  • 国籍:中国
  • 语言:英语;国语;
  • 出生地:暂无
  • 生日:暂无
  • 星座:暂无
  • 身高:暂无
  • 体重:暂无

forget and forgive简介:Forget And Forgive,简称FAF。上海本土乐团,主要音乐风格为Screamo/Post-hardcore/Emo/Electronic 乐团于2009年2月14日正式成立,以上海年轻本土EMO团的姿态活跃在上海以及其他城市中大大小小的摇滚舞台上。Forget and Forgive乐团以极具感染力和爆发力的LIVE著称,相信每一个亲临现场的朋友都印象深刻。细腻的人声、情绪的嘶吼、丰富灵动的配器是这支EMO乐团特有的音乐语言。6个80后年轻人的团队,相信会给大家带来不一样的音乐视听冲击。

Forget And Forgive is a local band in Shanghai, with music style as Screamo/Post-hardcore/
Emo/Electronic. Founded on the Valentine's Day in 2009, the band has been active as a young local EMO band on stages in Shanghai and other cities. Forget and Forgive is well-known for their powerful and appealing live performance that impressed massive audience. Soft voices,
emotional roaring and splendid music tones are the unique language the band speaks. The 6 young musicians who were born at 80s will bring you an outstanding music experience that you have to hear to believe.

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